

New collaboration with artist Michele Rizzi


About Michele Rizzi:



I am an Italian artist, living and working in Turin (home-studio in Pianezza) Best known for the sculptures "Condensation and dispersion of matter." The latest works are sculptures made from wire and iron mesh of steel structures. Pushing the limits disintegration of matter. If the sculpture was in the past to remove excess material. My kind of sculpture is to 'accumulate the material and at points in the quantities strictly necessary. As for the forms have always been attracted to the slender forms of African culture they encounter hypothetical alien figurative forms of the future (figurative influences ranging from art Minoan recent manga, A. Giacometti, G. Penone). The incompleteness of the material works as the case may have a double value: it can be seen and experienced with an eye optimistic as a condensation of matter and therefore growth of the figure, and then the character that as a disintegration of the material, and then a slow destruction by seeking the romantic fascination that have always finds and ruins. In fact I like to imagine that my sculptures are archaeological findings received from the future. The feelings that come back often in my work are the heroism, strength, flight, attempting to elevation, the search for lightness and flight as a liberation from the heaviness of human existence. My painting follows a path parallel to sculpture, probing the boundaries between abstraction and figurative, where returns often the preference for the human figure, nature, time and the magical attraction and powerful oil paint on raw canvas and its materiality. The attempt is to create an abstraction that with a minimum of input, create memories and emotions facebook.com/michelerizzi new web site under costruction.


Architect. Degree in architecture at the Polytechnicof Turin.


Io espogo (young artist) 1996 Turin Italy
Io espongo 1998 Turin Italy
"Pastis" 2000 Turin Italy
Concorso "Design Caffe" 2001 . Special mention.
"L'autostrada più bella" 2002. 4° class.
"La valle più bella " 2005 - 1° ex equo.
"Il visibile e l'invisibile" San Benedetto Po Mantona. 1° class.
Olimpiadi Torino 2006. Casa Curling end Hokey. Hotel Cavalieri, Pinerolo Italy
"Surf Cafe" Andora 2010
"Border land" Lido di Camaiore 2012
"Fan Navigli" 05/2014 Milan Italy
"Sella Bank" 11/2014


Collective exibition "San Benedetto Po" 2007 Italy
Personal exibition -Atelier new group. Mantova 2007 Italy
Personal exibition- Artheos" 2007
Personal exibition- "Single fin" surf cafè.Andora 2008 Italy
Special award. International sculture simposium. Trucioli d'artista-Rivoli 2009 Italy
Fan Navigli - Milano 2014 Italy



  • info@collezionandoarte.com
  • +39 388.6121368


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